Kevin P Cross

Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 
motor control
"Kevin Cross"
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Cross KP, Cook DJ, Scott SH. (2024) Rapid online corrections for proprioceptive and visual perturbations recruit similar circuits in primary motor cortex. Eneuro
Cross KP, Guang H, Scott SH. (2022) Proprioceptive and visual feedback responses in macaques exploit goal redundancy. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Kasuga S, Crevecoeur F, Cross KP, et al. (2021) Integration of proprioceptive and visual feedback during online control of reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology
Kalidindi HT, Cross KP, Lillicrap TP, et al. (2021) Rotational dynamics in motor cortex are consistent with a feedback controller. Elife. 10
Cross KP, Heming EA, Cook DJ, et al. (2020) Maintained representations of the ipsilateral and contralateral limbs during bimanual control in primary motor cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Heming EA, Cross KP, Takei T, et al. (2019) Independent representations of ipsilateral and contralateral limbs in primary motor cortex. Elife. 8
Cross KP, Cluff T, Takei T, et al. (2019) Visual feedback processing of the limb involves two distinct phases. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Heming EA, Cross KP, Takei T, et al. (2019) Author response: Independent representations of ipsilateral and contralateral limbs in primary motor cortex Elife
Takei T, Crevecoeur F, Herter TM, et al. (2018) Correlations between primary motor cortex activity with recent past and future limb motion during unperturbed reaching. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Cross KP, Britton S, Mangulins R, et al. (2017) Food deprivation and prior anoxic coma have opposite effects on the activity of a visual interneuron in the locust. Journal of Insect Physiology. 98: 336-346
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