Carola Salvi
Affiliations: | University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Lombardia, Italy |
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Salvi C, Keller N, Cooper SE, et al. (2024) Aha! and D'oh! experiences enhance learning for incidental information-new evidence supports the insight memory advantage. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience |
Vitello M, Salvi C. (2023) Gestalt's Perspective on Insight: A Recap Based on Recent Behavioral and Neuroscientific Evidence. Journal of Intelligence. 11 |
Salvi C, Barr N, Dunsmoor JE, et al. (2022) Insight Problem Solving Ability Predicts Reduced Susceptibility to Fake News, Bullshit, and Overclaiming. Thinking & Reasoning. 29: 760-784 |
Cancer A, Iannello P, Salvi C, et al. (2022) Executive functioning and divergent thinking predict creative problem-solving in young adults and elderlies. Psychological Research |
Salvi C, Costantini G, Pace A, et al. (2020) Validation of the Italian Remote Associate Test. The Journal of Creative Behavior. 54: 62-74 |
Salvi C, Simoncini C, Grafman J, et al. (2020) Oculometric signature of switch into awareness? Pupil size predicts sudden insight whereas microsaccades problem-solving via analysis. Neuroimage. 116933 |
Salvi C, Beeman M, Bikson M, et al. (2020) TDCS to the right anterior temporal lobe facilitates insight problem-solving. Scientific Reports. 10: 946 |
Santarnecchi E, Sprugnoli G, Bricolo E, et al. (2019) Gamma tACS over the temporal lobe increases the occurrence of Eureka! moments. Scientific Reports. 9: 5778 |
Salvi C, Bowden E. (2019) The relation between state and trait risk taking and problem-solving. Psychological Research |
Cristofori I, Salvi C, Beeman M, et al. (2018) The effects of expected reward on creative problem solving. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience |