Charles Cameron Donald Shute

Physiology University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Charles Shute"
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Ben-Ari Y, Zigmond RE, Shute CC, et al. (1977) Regional distribution of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase within the amygdaloid complex and stria terminalis system. Brain Research. 120: 435-44
Ben-Ari Y, Lewis PR, Shute CC, et al. (1976) Proceedings: Regional distribution of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase in the rat amygdaloid complex. The Journal of Physiology. 254: 19P-20P
Shute CC, Lewis PR. (1975) Cholinergic pathways. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General & Systematic Pharmacology. 1: 79-87
Lewis PR, Flumerfelt BA, Shute CC. (1971) The use of cholinesterase techniques to study topographical localization in the hypoglossal nucleus of the rat. Journal of Anatomy. 110: 203-13
Lewis PR, Shute CC, Navaratnam V. (1969) A method of identifying the central oorigin of peripheral cholinergic nerves. Journal of Anatomy. 104: 593
Shute CC, Lewis PR. (1969) Localization of cholinesterases in monkey brain. Journal of Anatomy. 104: 186-7
Lewis PR, Shute CC. (1969) An electron-microscopic study of cholinesterase distribution in the rat adrenal medulla. Journal of Microscopy. 89: 181-93
Navaratnam V, Lewis PR, Shute CC. (1968) Effects of vagotomy on the cholinesterase content of the preganglionic innervation of the rat heart. Journal of Anatomy. 103: 225-32
Lewis PR, Shute CC. (1967) The cholinergic limbic system: projections to hippocampal formation, medial cortex, nuclei of the ascending cholinergic reticular system, and the subfornical organ and supra-optic crest. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 90: 521-40
Shute CC, Lewis PR. (1967) The ascending cholinergic reticular system: neocortical, olfactory and subcortical projections. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 90: 497-520
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