Mehraveh Salehi

2019 Electrical Engineering Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Mehraveh Salehi"
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Scheinost D, Salehi M, Constable RT, et al. (2021) Individual Differences in the Functional Organization of Infants Biological Psychiatry. 89: S78
Horien C, Noble S, Greene AS, et al. (2020) A hitchhiker's guide to working with large, open-source neuroimaging datasets. Nature Human Behaviour
Scheinost D, Salehi M, Constable RT, et al. (2020) Identifying Individual Differences in the Functional Organization of the Neonatal Brain Biological Psychiatry. 87: S82
Salehi M, Greene AS, Karbasi A, et al. (2019) There is no single functional atlas even for a single individual: Functional parcel definitions change with task. Neuroimage. 116366
Salehi M, Karbasi A, Barron DS, et al. (2019) Individualized functional networks reconfigure with cognitive state. Neuroimage. 206: 116233
Scheinost D, Noble S, Horien C, et al. (2019) Ten simple rules for predictive modeling of individual differences in neuroimaging. Neuroimage
Barron DS, Salehi M, Browning M, et al. (2018) Exploring the prediction of emotional valence and pharmacologic effect across fMRI studies of antidepressants. Neuroimage. Clinical. 20: 407-414
Salehi M, Karbasi A, Shen X, et al. (2017) An exemplar-based approach to individualized parcellation reveals the need for sex specific functional networks. Neuroimage
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