Bogumił Jeziorski
Affiliations: | Chemistry | University of Warsaw, Poland |
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Przybytek M, Cencek W, Jeziorski B, et al. (2017) Pair Potential with Submillikelvin Uncertainties and Nonadiabatic Treatment of the Halo State of the Helium Dimer. Physical Review Letters. 119: 123401 |
Gniewek P, Jeziorski B. (2015) Exchange splitting of the interaction energy and the multipole expansion of the wave function. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 154106 |
Lesiuk M, Jeziorski B, Moszynski R. (2013) On the large interelectronic distance behavior of the correlation factor for explicitly correlated wave functions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 139: 134102 |
Zuchowski PS, Podeszwa R, Moszyński R, et al. (2008) Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory utilizing density functional description of monomers for high-spin open-shell complexes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 129: 084101 |
Korona T, Jeziorski B. (2008) Dispersion energy from density-fitted density susceptibilities of singles and doubles coupled cluster theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 128: 144107 |
Patkowski K, Cencek W, Jeziorska M, et al. (2007) Accurate pair interaction energies for helium from supermolecular Gaussian geminal calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 111: 7611-23 |
Korona T, Jeziorski B. (2006) One-electron properties and electrostatic interaction energies from the expectation value expression and wave function of singles and doubles coupled cluster theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125: 184109 |
Misquitta AJ, Podeszwa R, Jeziorski B, et al. (2005) Intermolecular potentials based on symmetry-adapted perturbation theory with dispersion energies from time-dependent density-functional calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 123: 214103 |
Misquitta AJ, Jeziorski B, Szalewicz K. (2003) Dispersion energy from density-functional theory description of monomers. Physical Review Letters. 91: 033201 |