Wojciech Krezel

Neurosciences Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, Grand Est, France 
"Wojciech Krezel"
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Cathiard L, Fraulob V, Lam DD, et al. (2021) Investigation of dopaminergic signalling in Meis homeobox 1 (Meis1) deficient mice as an animal model of restless legs syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research. e13311
Etter G, Krezel W. (2014) Dopamine D2 receptor controls hilar mossy cells excitability. Hippocampus. 24: 725-32
Wietrzych-Schindler M, Szyszka-Niagolov M, Ohta K, et al. (2011) Retinoid x receptor gamma is implicated in docosahexaenoic acid modulation of despair behaviors and working memory in mice. Biological Psychiatry. 69: 788-94
Huang JK, Jarjour AA, Nait Oumesmar B, et al. (2011) Retinoid X receptor gamma signaling accelerates CNS remyelination. Nature Neuroscience. 14: 45-53
Krzyzosiak A, Szyszka-Niagolov M, Wietrzych M, et al. (2010) Retinoid x receptor gamma control of affective behaviors involves dopaminergic signaling in mice. Neuron. 66: 908-20
Mandillo S, Tucci V, Hölter SM, et al. (2008) Reliability, robustness, and reproducibility in mouse behavioral phenotyping: a cross-laboratory study. Physiological Genomics. 34: 243-55
Calléja C, Messaddeq N, Chapellier B, et al. (2006) Genetic and pharmacological evidence that a retinoic acid cannot be the RXR-activating ligand in mouse epidermis keratinocytes. Genes & Development. 20: 1525-38
Sharma V, Hays WR, Wood WM, et al. (2006) Effects of rexinoids on thyrotrope function and the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. Endocrinology. 147: 1438-51
Wietrzych M, Meziane H, Sutter A, et al. (2005) Working memory deficits in retinoid X receptor gamma-deficient mice. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 12: 318-26
Haugen BR, Jensen DR, Sharma V, et al. (2004) Retinoid X receptor gamma-deficient mice have increased skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity and less weight gain when fed a high-fat diet. Endocrinology. 145: 3679-85
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