Arnau Ramos-Prats

Medical University of Innsbruck 
"Arnau Ramos-Prats"
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Antonio Armario research assistant 2017-2017
Andreas Lüthi grad student 2019-2020
Francesco Ferraguti grad student 2017-2021 Medical University of Innsbruck
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Ramos-Prats A, Matulewicz P, Edenhofer ML, et al. (2024) Loss of mGlu receptors in somatostatin-expressing neurons alters negative emotional states. Molecular Psychiatry
Sadeghi M, Ramos-Prats A, Neto P, et al. (2023) Localization and Registration of 2D Histological Mouse Brain Images in 3D Atlas Space. Neuroinformatics
Matulewicz P, Ramos-Prats A, Gómez-Santacana X, et al. (2022) Control of Theta Oscillatory Activity Underlying Fear Expression by mGlu Receptors. Cells. 11
Ramos-Prats A, Paradiso E, Castaldi F, et al. (2022) VIP-expressing interneurons in the anterior insular cortex contribute to sensory processing to regulate adaptive behavior. Cell Reports. 39: 110893
Zangrandi L, Schmuckermair C, Ghareh H, et al. (2021) Loss of mGluR5 in D1 Receptor-Expressing Neurons Improves Stress Coping. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22
Ramos-Prats A, Kölldorfer J, Paolo E, et al. (2019) An Appraisal of the Influence of the Metabotropic Glutamate 5 (mGlu5) Receptor on Sociability and Anxiety. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 12: 30
Sanchís-Ollé M, Fuentes S, Úbeda-Contreras J, et al. (2019) Controllability affects endocrine response of adolescent male rats to stress as well as impulsivity and behavioral flexibility during adulthood. Scientific Reports. 9: 3180
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