Peter Rupprecht, Ph.D.

2010-2010 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 
 2012-2013 University Bayreuth 
 2013-2014 IMP Vienna 
 2014-2019 Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland 
 2019- Brain Research Institute, University and ETH Zurich 
"Peter Rupprecht"
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Alipasha Vaziri research assistant 2013-2014 (Physics Tree)
Rainer Friedrich grad student 2014-2019
Fritjof Helmchen post-doc 2019-
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Rupprecht P, Duss SN, Becker D, et al. (2024) Centripetal integration of past events in hippocampal astrocytes regulated by locus coeruleus. Nature Neuroscience
Masala N, Mittag M, Ambrad Giovannetti E, et al. (2023) Aberrant hippocampal Ca micro-waves following synapsin-dependent adenoviral expression of Ca indicators. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Rupprecht P, Carta S, Hoffmann A, et al. (2021) A database and deep learning toolbox for noise-optimized, generalized spike inference from calcium imaging. Nature Neuroscience
Schoenfeld G, Carta S, Rupprecht P, et al. (2021) Calcium Imaging of CA3 Pyramidal Neuron Populations in Adult Mouse Hippocampus. Eneuro. 8
Huang KH, Rupprecht P, Frank T, et al. (2020) A virtual reality system to analyze neural activity and behavior in adult zebrafish. Nature Methods
Rupprecht P, Friedrich RW. (2018) Precise Synaptic Balance in the Zebrafish Homolog of Olfactory Cortex. Neuron
Berens P, Freeman J, Deneux T, et al. (2018) Community-based benchmarking improves spike rate inference from two-photon calcium imaging data. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006157
Jacobson GA, Rupprecht P, Friedrich RW. (2017) Experience-Dependent Plasticity of Odor Representations in the Telencephalon of Zebrafish. Current Biology : Cb
Rupprecht P, Prendergast A, Wyart C, et al. (2016) Remote z-scanning with a macroscopic voice coil motor for fast 3D multiphoton laser scanning microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express. 7: 1656-71
Rupprecht P, Prevedel R, Groessl F, et al. (2015) Optimizing and extending light-sculpting microscopy for fast functional imaging in neuroscience. Biomedical Optics Express. 6: 353-68
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