Lorre S. Atlan

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
biomechanics, brain injury, FEM
"Lorre Atlan"
Mean distance: 25.14 (cluster 52)
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Atlan LS, Margulies S. (2019) Frequency-Dependent Changes in Resting State EEG Functional Networks After Traumatic Brain Injury in Piglets. Journal of Neurotrauma
Atlan LS, Lan IS, Smith C, et al. (2018) Changes in event-related potential functional networks predict traumatic brain injury in piglets. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)
Atlan LS, Smith C, Margulies SS. (2017) Improved prediction of direction-dependent, acute axonal injury in piglets. Journal of Neuroscience Research
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