Mark R. Seely, Ph.D.

Psychology St. Joseph's College 
"Mark Seely"
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Long DL, Seely MR, Oppy BJ. (1999) The strategic nature of less skilled readers' suppression problems Discourse Processes. 27: 281-302
Long DL, Oppy BJ, Seely MR. (1997) Individual differences in readers' sentence- and text-level representations Journal of Memory and Language. 36: 129-145
Long DL, Seely MR, Oppy BJ. (1996) The availability of causal information during reading Discourse Processes. 22: 145-170
Long DL, Oppy BJ, Seely MR. (1994) Individual Differences in the Time Course of Inferential Processing Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 20: 1456-1470
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