Klaus Peter Steuhl, M.D.
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"Klaus Steuhl"Mean distance: 106866
Sign in to add collaboratorManfred Fahle | collaborator | University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany |
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Schimek F, Steuhl KP, Fahle M. (1993) Retrobulbar blockade of somatic, motor, and visual nerves by local anesthetics. Ophthalmic Surgery. 24: 171-80 |
Fahle M, Steuhl KP, Aulhorn E. (1991) Correlations between electroretinography, morphology and function in retinitis pigmentosa. Graefe's Archive For Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology = Albrecht Von Graefes Archiv FüR Klinische Und Experimentelle Ophthalmologie. 229: 37-49 |
Schimek F, Steuhl KP, Fahle M, et al. (1990) [Eyelid akinesia after various techniques of facial nerve block]. Fortschritte Der Ophthalmologie : Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft. 87: 696-702 |