Gerald K. Weiss

Physiology University of New Mexico School of Medicine 
"Gerald Weiss"
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Weiss GK, Lewis J, Jimenez-Rivera C, et al. (1990) Antikindling effects of locus coeruleus stimulation: mediation by ascending noradrenergic projections. Experimental Neurology. 108: 136-40
Chen MJ, Vigil A, Savage DD, et al. (1990) Transient elevation of amygdala alpha 2 adrenergic receptor binding sites during the early stages of amygdala kindling. Epilepsy Research. 5: 85-91
Jimenez-Rivera CA, Weiss GK. (1989) The effect of amygdala kindled seizures on locus coeruleus activity. Brain Research Bulletin. 22: 751-8
Jimenez-Rivera CA, Chen MJ, Vigil A, et al. (1989) Transient elevation of locus coeruleus alpha 2-adrenergic receptor binding during the early stages of amygdala kindling. Brain Research. 485: 363-70
Jimenez-Rivera C, Voltura A, Weiss GK. (1987) Effect of locus ceruleus stimulation on the development of kindled seizures. Experimental Neurology. 95: 13-20
Weiss GK, Dail WG, Ratner A. (1982) Evidence for direct neural control of ovarian steroidogenesis in rats. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 65: 507-11
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