Jonathan VanRyzin

2014-2022 Pharmacology University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States 
"Jonathan VanRyzin"
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Margaret  M. McCarthy grad student 2014-2022 University of Maryland Medical School
 (stayed on as a postdoc for a few years)
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Perez-Pouchoulen M, Holley AS, Reinl EL, et al. (2024) Viral-mediated inflammation by Poly I:C induces the chemokine CCL5 in NK cells and its receptors CCR1 and CCR5 in microglia in the neonatal rat cerebellum. Neuroimmune Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 3: 155-168
Pickett LA, VanRyzin JW, Marquardt AE, et al. (2023) Microglia phagocytosis mediates the volume and function of the rat sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2212646120
Marquardt AE, VanRyzin JW, Fuquen RW, et al. (2023) Social play experience in juvenile rats is indispensable for appropriate socio-sexual behavior in adulthood in males but not females. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16: 1076765
Zada W, VanRyzin JW, Perez-Pouchoulen M, et al. (2022) Fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibition and N-arachidonoylethanolamine modulation by isoflavonoids: A novel target for upcoming antidepressants. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives. 10: e00999
VanRyzin JW, Marquardt AE, Argue KJ, et al. (2022) Microglial Phagocytosis of Newborn Cells Is Induced by Endocannabinoids and Sculpts Sex Differences in Juvenile Rat Social Play. Neuron. 110: 1271
Baglot SL, VanRyzin JW, Marquardt AE, et al. (2021) Maternal-fetal transmission of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its metabolites following inhalation and injection exposure during pregnancy in rats. Journal of Neuroscience Research
VanRyzin JW. (2021) Phagocytic microglia in development: Are they what they eat? Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health. 18: 100373
VanRyzin JW, Arambula SE, Ashton SE, et al. (2021) Generation of an Iba1-EGFP transgenic rat for the study of microglia in an outbred rodent strain. Eneuro
VanRyzin JW, Marquardt AE, McCarthy MM. (2020) Developmental origins of sex differences in the neural circuitry of play. International Journal of Play. 9: 58-75
VanRyzin JW, Marquardt AE, McCarthy MM. (2020) Assessing Rough-and-tumble Play Behavior in Juvenile Rats. Bio-Protocol. 10: e3481
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