Michelle Harran Chan-Cortés, BS

2012-2016 Neurology Columbia University, New York, NY 
 2017- Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Neuroregeneration, SMA, Stroke, Motor Control
"Michelle Chan-Cortés"
Mean distance: 106866 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: BME Tree


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Reza Shadmehr research assistant 2009-2010 Johns Hopkins
John W. Krakauer research assistant 2010-2016 Johns Hopkins and Columbia University
David J. Linden research assistant 2017-2018 Johns Hopkins
Charlotte Sumner grad student 2019-2023 Johns Hopkins Medical School
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Kong L, Hassinan CW, Gerstner F, et al. (2023) Boosting neuregulin 1 type-III expression hastens SMA motor axon maturation. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 11: 53
Ravi B, Chan-Cortés MH, Sumner CJ. (2021) Gene-Targeting Therapeutics for Neurological Disease: Lessons Learned from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Annual Review of Medicine. 72: 1-14
Dougherty SE, Kajstura TJ, Jin Y, et al. (2019) Catecholaminergic axons in the neocortex of adult mice regrow following brain injury. Experimental Neurology. 113089
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