Zeynep Okray

2017- Centre of Neural Circuits and Behaviour University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Zeynep Okray"
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Okray Z, Jacob PF, Moszynski JP, et al. (2024) Classical Conditioning of Adult . Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
Okray Z, Waddell S. (2024) Twists to Classical Conditioning of Adult . Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
Okray Z, Jacob PF, Stern C, et al. (2023) Multisensory learning binds neurons into a cross-modal memory engram. Nature
Jacob PF, Vargas-Gutierrez P, Okray Z, et al. (2021) Prior experience conditionally inhibits the expression of new learning in Drosophila. Current Biology : Cb
Silva V, Palacios-Muñoz A, Okray Z, et al. (2020) The impact of the gut microbiome on memory and sleep in . The Journal of Experimental Biology
Franco LM, Okray Z, Linneweber GA, et al. (2017) Reduced Lateral Inhibition Impairs Olfactory Computations and Behaviors in a Drosophila Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Current Biology : Cb
Yuan L, Hu S, Okray Z, et al. (2016) The Drosophila Neurogenin, Tap, functionally interacts with the Wnt-PCP pathway to regulate neuronal extension and guidance. Development (Cambridge, England)
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