Andrew Kenneth Pawley, Ph.D.

Linguistics Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
Oceanic languages, Papuan languages, historical linguistics
"Andrew Pawley"


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BETA: Related publications


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Pawley A. (2015) Frantisek (Frank) Lichtenberk, 1945-2015: A Tribute Oceanic Linguistics. 54: 597-607
Pawley A. (2013) In Memoriam, Darrell Tryon, 1942-2013 Oceanic Linguistics. 52: 524-539
Pawley A. (2011) On the Position of Bugotu and Gela in the Guadalcanal-Nggelic Subgroup of Oceanic Oceanic Linguistics. 50: 1-24
Pawley A. (2010) Roger Green, 1932-2009: Linguistic Archaeologist Oceanic Linguistics. 49: 288-297
Blevins J, Pawley A. (2010) Typological implications of Kalam predictable vowels Phonology. 27: 1-44
Pawley A. (2002) Stephen Wurm, 1922-2001: Linguist Extraordinaire Oceanic Linguistics. 41: 1-14
Pawley A. (2001) Bruce Biggs, 1921-2000: A Tribute Oceanic Linguistics. 40: 1-19
Pawley A. (2001) Phraseology, Linguistics And The Dictionary International Journal of Lexicography. 14: 122-134
Bowern C, Ross M, Pawley A, et al. (2000) The Lexicon of Proto-Oceanic: The Culture and Environment of Ancestral Oceanic Society. Vol. 1: Material Culture Language. 76: 942
Pawley A, Ross M. (1993) Austronesian Historical Linguistics and Culture History Annual Review of Anthropology. 22: 425-459
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