Averi Gaines

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
"Averi Gaines"
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Gaines AN, Constantino MJ, Coyne AE, et al. (2024) Do patients internalize the positive regard they are offered? A dyadic test of a Rogerian condition. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 1-11
Coyne AE, Constantino MJ, Boswell JF, et al. (2024) Therapist-Level Moderators of Patient-Therapist Match Effectiveness in Community Psychotherapy. Administration and Policy in Mental Health
Constantino MJ, Coyne AE, Gaines AN, et al. (2023) Therapist verification of patient self-concepts as a responsive precondition for early alliance development and subsequent introject change. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 1-15
Boswell JF, Schwartzman CM, Constantino MJ, et al. (2023) A Qualitative Analysis of Stakeholder Attitudes Regarding Personalized Provider Selection and Patient-Therapist Matching. Administration and Policy in Mental Health
Constantino MJ, Boswell JF, Coyne AE, et al. (2023) Therapist perceptions of their own measurement-based, problem-specific effectiveness. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Coyne AE, Constantino MJ, Muir HJ, et al. (2023) Participant factors as correlates of patients' psychotherapy outcome expectation: A meta-analytic and box-count review. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 1-15
Coyne AE, Constantino MJ, Ouimette KA, et al. (2022) Replicating patient-level moderators of CBT and IPT's comparative efficacy for depression. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)
Gaines AN, Constantino MJ, Coyne AE, et al. (2022) Patient-therapist expectancy convergence and outcome in naturalistic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)
Gaines AN, Goldfried MR, Constantino MJ. (2020) Revived call for consensus in the future of psychotherapy. Evidence-Based Mental Health
Constantino MJ, Coyne AE, Goodwin BJ, et al. (2020) Indirect effect of patient outcome expectation on improvement through alliance quality: A meta-analysis. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 1-15
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