Taylor L Watterson, PharmD, PhD

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
patient safety, pharmacists, health IT
"Taylor Watterson"
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Gilson AM, Chladek JS, Stone JA, et al. (2024) Older Adult Misuse of Over-the-Counter Medications: Effectiveness of a Novel Pharmacy-Based Intervention to Improve Patient Safety. Journal of Patient Safety. 21: 38-47
Chladek JS, Gilson AM, Stone JA, et al. (2024) The High Prevalence and Complexity of Over-the-Counter Medication Misuse in Older Adults. Innovation in Aging. 8: igae083
Watterson TL, Moon J, Stone JA, et al. (2024) Linking Inner Context and Innovation Factors: Examining a pharmacy-based intervention through the eyes of pharmacy staff. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy. 15: 100486
Watterson TL, Stone JA, Kleinschmidt PC, et al. (2023) CancelRx case study: implications for clinic and community pharmacy work systems. Bmc Health Services Research. 23: 1360
Berbakov ME, Hoffins EL, Stone JA, et al. (2023) Adapting a Community Pharmacy Intervention to Improve Medication Safety. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : Japha
Watterson TL, Steege LM, Mott DA, et al. (2023) Sociotechnical Work System Approach to Occupational Fatigue. Joint Commission Journal On Quality and Patient Safety
Watterson TL, Chui MA. (2023) Subjective Perceptions of Occupational Fatigue in Community Pharmacists. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland). 11
Watterson TL, Stone JA, Kleinschmidt P, et al. (2023) CancelRx Case Study: Implications for Clinic and Community Pharmacy Work Systems. Research Square
Watterson TL, Hernandez SE, Stone JA, et al. (2022) CancelRx implementation: Observed changes to medication discontinuation workflows over time. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy. 5: 100108
Watterson TL, Stone JA, Gilson A, et al. (2022) Impact of CancelRx on discontinuation of controlled substance prescriptions: an interrupted time series analysis. Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 22: 50
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