Denise Valente

2018-2021 ophthalmology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
"Denise Valente"
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Pijewska E, Valente D, Vienola KV, et al. (2023) Contributed Session I: Human cone response models for optoretinography with FF-SS-OCT and adaptive optics. Journal of Vision. 23: 68
Marsh-Armstrong B, Murrell KS, Valente D, et al. (2022) Using directional OCT to analyze photoreceptor visibility over AMD-related drusen. Scientific Reports. 12: 9763
Valente D, Vienola KV, Zawadzki RJ, et al. (2021) Simultaneous directional full-field OCT using path-length and carrier multiplexing. Optics Express. 29: 32179-32195
Valente D, Vienola KV, Zawadzki RJ, et al. (2020) Kilohertz retinal FF-SS-OCT and flood imaging with hardware-based adaptive optics. Biomedical Optics Express. 11: 5995-6011
Azimipour M, Valente D, Vienola KV, et al. (2020) Optoretinogram: optical measurement of human cone and rod photoreceptor responses to light. Optics Letters. 45: 4658-4661
Qaysi S, Valente D, Vohnsen B. (2018) Differential detection of retinal directionality. Biomedical Optics Express. 9: 6318-6330
Valente D, Vohnsen B. (2018) Retina-simulating phantom produced by photolithography. Optics Letters. 42: 4623-4626
Vohnsen B, Carmichael A, Sharmin N, et al. (2017) Volumetric integration model of the Stiles-Crawford effect of the first kind and its experimental verification. Journal of Vision. 17: 18
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