Ravi L Rungta

University of Montreal (Canada) 
"Ravi Rungta"
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Weilinger NL, Yang K, Choi HB, et al. (2023) Pannexin-1 opening in neuronal edema causes cell death but also leads to protection via increased microglia contacts. Cell Reports. 42: 113128
Rungta RL, Zuend M, Aydin AK, et al. (2021) Diversity of neurovascular coupling dynamics along vascular arbors in layer II/III somatosensory cortex. Communications Biology. 4: 855
Aydin AK, Haselden WD, Goulam Houssen Y, et al. (2020) Transfer functions linking neural calcium to single voxel functional ultrasound signal. Nature Communications. 11: 2954
Wardlaw JM, Benveniste H, Nedergaard M, et al. (2020) Perivascular spaces in the brain: anatomy, physiology and pathology. Nature Reviews. Neurology
Roche M, Chaigneau E, Rungta RL, et al. (2019) In vivo imaging with a water immersion objective affects brain temperature, blood flow and oxygenation. Elife. 8
Boido D, Rungta RL, Osmanski BF, et al. (2019) Mesoscopic and microscopic imaging of sensory responses in the same animal. Nature Communications. 10: 1110
Rungta RL, Chaigneau E, Osmanski BF, et al. (2019) Vascular Compartmentalization of Functional Hyperemia from the Synapse to the Pia. Neuron. 101: 762
Rungta RL, Chaigneau E, Osmanski BF, et al. (2018) Vascular Compartmentalization of Functional Hyperemia from the Synapse to the Pia. Neuron
Cain SM, Tyson JR, Choi HB, et al. (2018) Ca3.2 drives sustained burst-firing, which is critical for absence seizure propagation in reticular thalamic neurons. Epilepsia
Rungta RL, Osmanski BF, Boido D, et al. (2017) Light controls cerebral blood flow in naive animals. Nature Communications. 8: 14191
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