David Pascucci

Psychology Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne / Brain Mind Institute, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland 
"David Pascucci"
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Pascucci D, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, et al. (2024) Intact Serial Dependence in Schizophrenia: Evidence from an Orientation Adjustment Task. Schizophrenia Bulletin
Tiurina NA, Markov YA, Whitney D, et al. (2024) The functional role of spatial anisotropies in ensemble perception. Bmc Biology. 22: 28
Blondé P, Kristjánsson Á, Pascucci D. (2023) Tuning perception and decisions to temporal context. Iscience. 26: 108008
Houborg C, Pascucci D, Tanrikulu ÖD, et al. (2023) The effects of visual distractors on serial dependence. Journal of Vision. 23: 1
Menétrey MQ, Herzog MH, Pascucci D. (2023) Pre-stimulus alpha activity modulates long-lasting unconscious feature integration. Neuroimage. 278: 120298
Ceylan G, Pascucci D. (2023) Attractive and repulsive serial dependence: The role of task relevance, the passage of time, and the number of stimuli. Journal of Vision. 23: 8
Houborg C, Kristjánsson Á, Tanrikulu ÖD, et al. (2023) The role of secondary features in serial dependence. Journal of Vision. 23: 21
Pascucci D, Tanrikulu ÖD, Ozkirli A, et al. (2023) Serial dependence in visual perception: A review. Journal of Vision. 23: 9
Tiurina NA, Markov YA, Choung OH, et al. (2022) Unlocking crowding by ensemble statistics. Current Biology : Cb. 32: 4975-4981.e3
Pagnotta MF, Pascucci D, Plomp G. (2021) Selective attention involves a feature-specific sequential release from inhibitory gating. Neuroimage. 246: 118782
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