Justin Kopec
Affiliations: | Psychology | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
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Levitskiy D, Confair A, Wagner KE, et al. (2021) Longitudinal stability of salivary microRNA biomarkers in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 85 |
Kopec J, Hagmann C, Shea N, et al. (2020) Examining the Temporal Limits of Enhanced Visual Feature Detection in Children With Autism. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research |
Kopec J, Russo N, Antshel KM, et al. (2018) Specific differences in temporal binding aspects of the attentional blink in Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 108: 67-79 |