Elizabeth Kaplan-Kahn
Affiliations: | Psychology | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
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Cary E, Pacheco D, Kaplan-Kahn E, et al. (2023) Brain Signatures of Early and Late Neural Measures of Auditory Habituation and Discrimination in Autism and Their Relationship to Autistic Traits and Sensory Overresponsivity. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Matsuba ESM, Prieve BA, Cary E, et al. (2022) A Preliminary Study Characterizing Subcortical and Cortical Auditory Processing and Their Relation to Autistic Traits and Sensory Features. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 1-18 |
Kaplan-Kahn EA, Park A, Russo N. (2021) Pathways of perceptual primacy: ERP evidence for relationships between autism traits and enhanced perceptual functioning. Neuropsychologia. 163: 108065 |