Joaquin Marro

University of Granada, Granada, Andalucía, Spain 
"Joaquin Marro"
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Jesús Biel grad student
Joel Louis Lebowitz grad student (Physics Tree)


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Joaquin J. Torres grad student
Pablo I. Hurtado research scientist Universidad de Granada (Spain) (Physics Tree)
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Torres JJ, Marro J. (2022) Physics Clues on the Mind Substrate and Attributes. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 16: 836532
Pretel J, Torres JJ, Marro J. (2021) EEGs Disclose Significant Brain Activity Correlated with Synaptic Fickleness. Biology. 10
Millán AP, Torres JJ, Marro J. (2019) How Memory Conforms to Brain Development. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 13: 22
Johnson S, Torres JJ, Marro J. (2009) Nonlinear preferential rewiring in fixed-size networks as a diffusion process. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 79: 050104
Marro J, Torres JJ, Cortés JM. (2007) Chaotic hopping between attractors in neural networks Neural Networks. 20: 230-235
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