Dirk Troost

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
"Dirk Troost"

Prof. dr. D. Troost at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam

Mean distance: 15.86 (cluster 48)


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Jean M.B.V. de Jong grad student 1992 Amsterdam
Dick F. Swaab grad student 1992 Amsterdam
 (Inflammatory changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a neuropathologic immunocytochemical study)
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Naumann M, Pal A, Goswami A, et al. (2018) Impaired DNA damage response signaling by FUS-NLS mutations leads to neurodegeneration and FUS aggregate formation. Nature Communications. 9: 335
Dreser A, Vollrath JT, Sechi A, et al. (2017) The ALS-linked E102Q mutation in Sigma receptor-1 leads to ER stress-mediated defects in protein homeostasis and dysregulation of RNA-binding proteins. Cell Death and Differentiation
Jesse CM, Bushuven E, Tripathi P, et al. (2016) ALS-associated endoplasmic reticulum proteins in denervated skeletal muscle: Implications for motor neuron disease pathology. Brain Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)
Bahia El Idrissi N, Bosch S, Ramaglia V, et al. (2016) Complement activation at the motor end-plates in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 13: 72
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