S. Ted Treves

Radiology - Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Harvard - Boston Children's Hospital 
"S. Treves"
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Packard AB, Roach PJ, Davis RT, et al. (1996) Ictal and interictal technetium-99m-bicisate brain SPECT in children with refractory epilepsy. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 37: 1101-6
Lynch BJ, O'Tuama LA, Treves ST, et al. (1995) Correlation of 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT with EEG monitoring: prognostic value for outcome of epilepsy surgery in children. Brain & Development. 17: 409-417
du Plessis AJ, Treves ST, Hickey PR, et al. (1994) Regional cerebral perfusion abnormalities after cardiac operations. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) findings in children with postoperative movement disorders. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 107: 1036-43
O'Tuama LA, Urion DK, Janicek MJ, et al. (1992) Regional cerebral perfusion in Landau-Kleffner syndrome and related childhood aphasias. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 33: 1758-65
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