Malte Wöstmann

2012-2015 Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany 
"Malte Wöstmann"
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Orf M, Wöstmann M, Hannemann R, et al. (2023) Target enhancement but not distractor suppression in auditory neural tracking during continuous speech. Iscience. 26: 106849
Lui TK, Obleser J, Wöstmann M. (2023) Slow neural oscillations explain temporal fluctuations in distractibility. Progress in Neurobiology. 226: 102458
Wöstmann M, Störmer VS, Obleser J, et al. (2022) Ten simple rules to study distractor suppression. Progress in Neurobiology. 213: 102269
Wöstmann M, Erb J, Kreitewolf J, et al. (2021) Personality captures dissociations of subjective versus objective hearing in noise. Royal Society Open Science. 8: 210881
Kraus F, Tune S, Ruhe A, et al. (2021) Unilateral Acoustic Degradation Delays Attentional Separation of Competing Speech. Trends in Hearing. 25: 23312165211013242
Schneider D, Herbst SK, Klatt LI, et al. (2021) Target Enhancement or Distractor Suppression? Functionally Distinct Alpha Oscillations form the Basis of Attention. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Wöstmann M, Maess B, Obleser J. (2020) Orienting auditory attention in time: Lateralized alpha power reflects spatio-temporal filtering. Neuroimage. 117711
Wöstmann M, Ka-Yan Lui T, Friese KH, et al. (2020) The vulnerability of working memory to distraction is rhythmic. Neuropsychologia. 107505
Wöstmann M, Alavash M, Obleser J. (2019) Alpha oscillations in the human brain implement distractor suppression independent of target selection. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Kreitewolf J, Wöstmann M, Tune S, et al. (2019) Working-memory disruption by task-irrelevant talkers depends on degree of talker familiarity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
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