Barry M. Shmavonian
Affiliations: | Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Harrisburg, PA, United States |
psychophysiology, behavioral neuroscienceGoogle:
"Barry Shmavonian"Bio:
BAROUR (BARRY) M. SHMAVONIAN (Born May 27, 1927)
* Birth place:
Tabriz, Iran.
* Education:
B.S., University of Southern California, 1951.
M.S., University of Washington, 1956.
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1957, under Roger Brown Loucks.
"Methodological study of vasomotor conditioning in human subjects."
* Positions:
o 1957-1968, Instructor to Professor, Duke University Medical
o 1968-1993, Professor, Temple University Medical School.
o 1964-1970's, Consulting editor, Psychophysiology.
* Research:
Autonomic conditioning and function; polygraphic techniques; physiological psychology; correlates of stress and emotion.
* Points of interest:
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Mean distance: 19.15 (cluster 60) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add collaboratorEwald W. Busse | collaborator | 2008-2008 | Duke | |
(Worked on a book chapter in Process of Aging together) |
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Shmavonian BM, Miller LH, Cohen SI. (1970) Differences among age and sex groups with respect to cardiovascular conditioning and reactivity. Journal of Gerontology. 25: 87-94 |
Shmavonian BM, Miller LH, Cohen SI. (1968) Differences among age and sex groups in electro-dermal conditioning. Psychophysiology. 5: 119-31 |
Graham LA, Cohen SI, Shmavonian BM. (1966) Sex differences in autonomic responses during instrumental conditioning. Psychosomatic Medicine. 28: 264-71 |
Miller LH, Shmavonian BM. (1965) Replicability of two GSR indices as a function of stress and cognitive activity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2: 753-6 |
COHEN SI, SILVERMAN AJ, SHMAVONIAN BM. (1961) Influence of psychodynamic factors on central nervous system functioning in young and aged subjects. Psychosomatic Medicine. 23: 123-37 |