Roisin Hegarty, MSc
Affiliations: | Psychology | Otago University |
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Hegarty RSM, Conner TS, Stebbings S, et al. (2020) Understanding fatigue-related disability in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis: The importance of daily correlates. Arthritis Care & Research |
Hegarty RSM, Fletcher BD, Conner TS, et al. (2020) Acceptance and commitment therapy for people with rheumatic disease: Existing evidence and future directions. Musculoskeletal Care |
Hegarty RSM, Treharne GJ, Stebbings S, et al. (2019) Optimising daily diary questionnaires about fatigue, psychological flexibility and well-being: perspectives of people with rheumatic disease. Psychology & Health. 1-19 |
Aldaz BE, Hegarty RSM, Conner TS, et al. (2019) Is avoidance of illness uncertainty associated with distress during oncology treatment? A daily diary study. Psychology & Health. 34: 422-437 |
Rolston CJ, Conner TS, Stamp LK, et al. (2018) Improving gout education from patients' perspectives: a focus group study of Māori and Pākehā people with gout. Journal of Primary Health Care. 10: 194-200 |
Helme C, Hegarty RSM, Stebbings S, et al. (2018) "I actually just really need to stop work sometimes": Exploring fatigue-related barriers to employment among people with rheumatic diseases. Musculoskeletal Care. 17: 97-104 |
Hegarty RS, Treharne GJ, Stebbings S, et al. (2016) Fatigue and mood among people with arthritis: Carry-over across the day. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 35: 492-9 |