Jiangwei Lin

2023-2018 Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics 
"Jiangwei Lin"
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Katidou M, Grosmaitre X, Lin J, et al. (2018) G-protein coupled receptors Mc4r and Drd1 can serve as surrogate odorant receptors in mouse olfactory sensory neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences
Lin J, Khan M, Zapiec B, et al. (2017) PDGFRA Is Not Essential for the Derivation and Maintenance of Mouse Extraembryonic Endoderm Stem Cell Lines. Stem Cell Reports
Lin J, Khan M, Zapiec B, et al. (2016) Efficient derivation of extraembryonic endoderm stem cell lines from mouse postimplantation embryos. Scientific Reports. 6: 39457
Koentgen F, Lin J, Katidou M, et al. (2016) Exclusive transmission of embryonic stem cell-derived genome through the mouse germline. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)
Lin J, Shi L, Zhang M, et al. (2011) Defects in trophoblast cell lineage account for the impaired in vivo development of cloned embryos generated by somatic nuclear transfer. Cell Stem Cell. 8: 371-5
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