Detlev Ploog, Prof. Dr.

Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry 
"Detlev Ploog"
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Ploog D. (1981) Neurobiology of primate audio-vocal behavior. Brain Research. 228: 35-61
Jürgens U, Ploog D. (1981) On the neural control of mammalian vocalization Trends in Neurosciences. 4: 135-137
Hupfer K, Jürgens U, Ploog D. (1977) The effect of superior temporal lesions on the recognition of species-specific calls in the squirrel monkey. Experimental Brain Research. 30: 75-87
Jürgens U, Ploog D. (1976) [On the evolution of voice (author's transl)]. Archiv Fã¼R Psychiatrie Und Nervenkrankheiten. 222: 117-37
Ploog D. (1975) Psychobiology of partnership behavior Psychological Medicine. 5: 327-339
Jürgens U, Ploog D. (1970) Cerebral representation of vocalization in the squirrel monkey. Experimental Brain Research. 10: 532-54
Jürgens U, Maurus M, Ploog D, et al. (1967) Vocalization in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) elicited by brain stimulation. Experimental Brain Research. 4: 114-7
Winter P, Ploog D, Latta J. (1966) Vocal repertoire of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus), its analysis and significance Experimental Brain Research. 1: 359-384
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