Luke Muentner

Pediatrics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
"Luke Muentner"
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Muentner L, McLaughlin KK, Shlafer R. (2023) Substance use among rural adolescents with incarcerated parents: Evidence from a state-wide sample. The Journal of Rural Health : Official Journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association
Muentner L, Shlafer RJ, Heard-Garris N, et al. (2023) Parental Incarceration in the United States: 2016-2021. Pediatrics
Charles P, Muentner L, Grade G, et al. (2023) Assessment of Feasibility and Acceptability of the Pathways for Parents After Incarceration Program. Family & Community Health. 46: S52-S65
Muentner L, Heard-Garris N, Shlafer R. (2022) Parental Incarceration Among Youth. Pediatrics. 150
Muentner L, Stone KJ, Davis L, et al. (2022) Youth at the intersection of parental incarceration and foster care: Examining prevalence, disparities, and mental health. Child Abuse & Neglect. 134: 105910
Metcalfe RE, Muentner LD, Reino C, et al. (2022) Witnessing Parental Arrest As a Predictor of Child Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms During and After Parental Incarceration. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 1-10
Poehlmann-Tynan J, Muentner L, Pritzl K, et al. (2021) The Health and Development of Young Children Who Witnessed Their Parent's Arrest Prior to Parental Jail Incarceration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18
Muentner L, Kapoor A, Weymouth L, et al. (2021) Getting under the skin: Physiological stress and witnessing paternal arrest in young children with incarcerated fathers. Developmental Psychobiology
Poehlmann-Tynan J, Cuthrell H, Weymouth L, et al. (2021) Multisite randomized efficacy trial of educational materials for young children with incarcerated parents. Development and Psychopathology. 33: 323-339
Muentner L, Charles P. (2019) A Qualitative Exploration of Reentry Service Needs: The Case of Fathers Returning From Prison. Child & Family Social Work. 25: 63-72
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