Jeri S. Janowsky
Affiliations: | Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR |
Cognitive neuroscience of agingWebsite:
"Jeri Janowsky"Mean distance: 13.22 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorBarbara L. Finlay | grad student | 1978-1983 | |
Larry R. Squire | post-doc | 1986-1988 | UCSD |
Sign in to add traineeDavid H. Salat | grad student | Harvard Medical School | |
Peggy J. Jennings | grad student | 1988-1992 | University of Oregon, Eugene |
Yosef A Berlow | grad student | 2008-2009 | OHSU |
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Samuels MH, Kolobova I, Smeraglio A, et al. (2014) The effects of levothyroxine replacement or suppressive therapy on health status, mood, and cognition. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 99: 843-51 |
Pruis TA, Keel PK, Janowsky JS. (2012) Recovery from anorexia nervosa includes neural compensation for negative body image. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 45: 919-31 |
Roalf DR, Pruis TA, Stevens AA, et al. (2011) More is less: emotion induced prefrontal cortex activity habituates in aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 32: 1634-50 |
Young LA, Neiss MB, Samuels MH, et al. (2010) Cognition is not modified by large but temporary changes in sex hormones in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 95: 280-8 |
LeBlanc ES, Wang PY, Janowsky JS, et al. (2010) Association between sex steroids and cognition in elderly men. Clinical Endocrinology. 72: 393-403 |
Pruis TA, Roalf DR, Janowsky JS. (2009) Hormone therapy does not modify emotion-induced brain activity in older women. Hormones and Behavior. 56: 539-47 |
Pruis TA, Neiss MB, Leigland LA, et al. (2009) Estrogen modifies arousal but not memory for emotional events in older women. Neurobiology of Aging. 30: 1296-304 |
Siegel JA, Young LA, Neiss MB, et al. (2008) Estrogen, testosterone, and sequential movement in men. Behavioral Neuroscience. 122: 955-62 |
Samuels MH, Schuff KG, Carlson NE, et al. (2008) Health status, mood, and cognition in experimentally induced subclinical thyrotoxicosis. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 93: 1730-6 |
Samuels MH, Schuff KG, Carlson NE, et al. (2007) Health status, mood, and cognition in experimentally induced subclinical hypothyroidism. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 92: 2545-51 |