Auni Williams

Penn State University, University Park 
"Auni Williams"
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Williams AC, Content VG, Kirby NV, et al. (2023) Intradermal Microdialysis: An Approach to Investigating Novel Mechanisms of Microvascular Dysfunction in Humans. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Dillon GA, Wolf ST, Williams AC, et al. (2023) Nitric oxide-mediated cutaneous microvascular function is not altered in middle-aged-to-older adults following mild SARS-CoV-2 infection: A pilot study. Physiological Reports. 11: e15704
Butenas ALE, Rollins KS, Williams AC, et al. (2021) Thromboxane A receptors contribute to the exaggerated exercise pressor reflex in male rats with heart failure. Physiological Reports. 9: e15052
Butenas ALE, Rollins KS, Williams AC, et al. (2021) Exaggerated sympathetic and cardiovascular responses to dynamic mechanoreflex activation in rats with heart failure: Role of endoperoxide 4 and thromboxane A receptors. Autonomic Neuroscience : Basic & Clinical. 232: 102784
Rollins KS, Butenas ALE, Felice KP, et al. (2020) Thromboxane A Receptors Mediate Chronic Mechanoreflex Sensitization in a Rat Model of Simulated Peripheral Artery Disease. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
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