Liya Akoury
Affiliations: | Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI |
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Sahlan RN, Akoury LM, Habashy J, et al. (2022) Sociocultural correlates of eating pathology in college women from US and Iran. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 966810 |
Warren CS, Akoury LM. (2020) Emphasizing the "Cultural" in Sociocultural: A Systematic Review of Research on Thin-Ideal Internalization, Acculturation, and Eating Pathology in US Ethnic Minorities. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 13: 319-330 |
Akoury LM, Warren CS, Culbert KM. (2019) Disordered Eating in Asian American Women: Sociocultural and Culture-Specific Predictors. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 1950 |
Akoury LM, Rozalski V, Barchard KA, et al. (2018) Eating Disorder Quality of Life Scale (EDQLS) in ethnically diverse college women: an exploratory factor analysis. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 16: 39 |