Orit Shefi

Bar Ilan University, Israel 
"Orit Shefi"
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Indech G, Plen R, Levenberg D, et al. (2021) Fabrication of Magnetic Platforms for Micron-Scale Organization of Interconnected Neurons. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Tiwari A, Kumar R, Shefi O, et al. (2020) Fluorescent Mantle Carbon Coated Core-Shell SPIONs for Neuroengineering Applications. Acs Applied Bio Materials. 3: 4665-4673
Cohen S, Richter-Levin A, Shefi O. (2020) Brief Electrical Stimulation triggers an effective regeneration of Leech CNS. Eneuro
Ofer N, Shefi O, Yaari G. (2020) Axonal Tree Morphology and Signal Propagation Dynamics Improve Interneuron Classification. Neuroinformatics. 18: 581-590
Cohen S, Sazan H, Kenigsberg A, et al. (2020) Large-scale acoustic-driven neuronal patterning and directed outgrowth. Scientific Reports. 10: 4932
Baranes K, Hibsh D, Cohen S, et al. (2019) Comparing Transcriptome Profiles of Neurons Interfacing Adjacent Cells and Nanopatterned Substrates Reveals Fundamental Neuronal Interactions. Nano Letters
Nissan I, Schori H, Kumar VB, et al. (2017) Topographical impact of silver nanolines on the morphology of neuronal SH-SY5Y Cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry. B. 5: 9346-9353
Ofer N, Shefi O, Yaari G. (2017) Branching morphology determines signal propagation dynamics in neurons. Scientific Reports. 7: 8877
Marcus M, Baranes K, Park M, et al. (2017) Interactions of Neurons with Physical Environments. Advanced Healthcare Materials
Antman-Passig M, Levy S, Gartenberg C, et al. (2017) Mechanically Oriented 3D Collagen Hydrogel for Directing Neurite Growth. Tissue Engineering. Part A
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