Givago Silva Souza

Federal University of Para, Belém, Pará, Brazil 
"Givago Souza"
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Meireles LKG, Miquilini L, Brito FAC, et al. (2023) Chromatic discrimination in fixed saturation levels from tufted capuchin monkeys with different color vision genotypes. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
Brito RMG, Sousa BRS, Miquilini L, et al. (2022) Differences in chromatic noise suppression of luminance contrast discrimination in young and elderly people. Visual Neuroscience. 39: E006
Igarashi Y, Meireles LKG, Costa Brito FA, et al. (2022) Chromatic discrimination in fixed saturation levels from trichromats and subjects with congenital color vision deficiency. Scientific Reports. 12: 5603
Castro KJS, Salomão RC, Feitosa NQ, et al. (2021) Changes in plantar load distribution in legally blind subjects. Plos One. 16: e0249467
Sousa BRS, Loureiro TMG, Goulart PRK, et al. (2020) Specificity of the chromatic noise influence on the luminance contrast discrimination to the color vision phenotype. Scientific Reports. 10: 17897
Martins ICVS, Brasil A, Miquilini L, et al. (2019) Spatial frequency selectivity of the human visual cortex estimated with pseudo-random visual evoked cortical potential (VECP). Vision Research. 165: 13-21
Salomão RC, Martins ICVDS, Risuenho BBO, et al. (2019) Visual evoked cortical potential elicited by pseudoisochromatic stimulus. Documenta Ophthalmologica. Advances in Ophthalmology
de Loureiro TMG, Brodeur K, Schade G, et al. (2018) Effect of the Decrease in Luminance Noise Range on Color Discrimination of Dichromats and Trichromats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12: 292
Sampaio GSA, Oliveira KRHM, Kauffmann N, et al. (2018) Methylmercury alters the number and topography of NO-synthase positive neurons in embryonic retina: Protective effect of alpha-tocopherol. Toxicology in Vitro : An International Journal Published in Association With Bibra
Miquilini L, Walker NA, Odigie EA, et al. (2017) Influence of Spatial and Chromatic Noise on Luminance Discrimination. Scientific Reports. 7: 16944
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