Chad Beranek

2022-2022 SELS University of Newcastle (Australia) 
"Chad Beranek"
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Gould J, Beranek CT. (2024) Meal or mate: Exploring the evidence of sexual cannibalism among amphibians. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e11576
Tanalgo KC, Tabora JAG, de Oliveira HFM, et al. (2022) DarkCideS 1.0, a global database for bats in karsts and caves. Scientific Data. 9: 155
Beranek CT, Sanders S, Clulow J, et al. (2022) Factors influencing persistence of a threatened amphibian in restored wetlands despite severe population decline during climate change driven weather extremes. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1-21
Meyer NFV, King JP, Mahony M, et al. (2021) Large area used by squirrel gliders in an urban area, uncovered using GPS telemetry. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 7147-7153
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