Brigitta Toth
Affiliations: | 2015-2017 | Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary |
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Sign in to add mentorBarbara G. Shinn-Cunningham | post-doc | 2015-2017 | Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
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Boncz Á, Szalárdy O, Velősy PK, et al. (2024) The effects of aging and hearing impairment on listening in noise. Iscience. 27: 109295 |
Tóth B, Velősy PK, Kovács P, et al. (2023) Auditory learning of recurrent tone sequences is present in the newborn's brain. Neuroimage. 281: 120384 |
Kovács P, Szalárdy O, Winkler I, et al. (2023) Two effects of perceived speaker similarity in resolving the cocktail party situation - ERPs and functional connectivity. Biological Psychology. 182: 108651 |
Polver S, Háden GP, Bulf H, et al. (2023) Early maturation of sound duration processing in the infant's brain. Scientific Reports. 13: 10287 |
Kovács P, Tóth B, Honbolygó F, et al. (2023) Speech prosody supports speaker selection and auditory stream segregation in a multi-talker situation. Brain Research. 148246 |
Szalárdy O, Tóth B, Farkas D, et al. (2022) Do we parse the background into separate streams in the cocktail party? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 952557 |
Szalárdy O, Tóth B, Farkas D, et al. (2020) Who said what? The effects of speech tempo on target detection and information extraction in a multi-talker situation: An ERP and functional connectivity study. Psychophysiology. e13747 |
Tóth B, Honbolygó F, Szalárdy O, et al. (2020) The effects of speech processing units on auditory stream segregation and selective attention in a multi-talker (cocktail party) situation. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 130: 387-400 |
Reed DK, Chait M, Tóth B, et al. (2020) Spatial cues can support auditory figure-ground segregation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 147: 3814 |
Szalárdy O, Tóth B, Farkas D, et al. (2020) Linguistic predictability influences auditory stimulus classification within two concurrent speech streams. Psychophysiology. e13547 |