Irma I. Torres-Vazquez

University of Kansas School of Pharmacy 
"Irma Torres-Vazquez"
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Martinez-Rivera N, Serrano-Velez JL, Torres-Vazquez II, et al. (2022) Are superficial neuromasts proprioceptors underlying fast copulatory behavior? Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 16: 921568
Song JY, Larson NR, Thati S, et al. (2018) Glatiramer acetate persists at the injection site and draining lymph nodes via electrostatically-induced aggregation. Journal of Controlled Release : Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society
Serrano-Velez JL, Rodriguez-Alvarado M, Torres-Vazquez II, et al. (2014) Abundance of gap junctions at glutamatergic mixed synapses in adult Mosquitofish spinal cord neurons. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 8: 66
Rivera-Rivera NL, Martinez-Rivera N, Torres-Vazquez I, et al. (2010) A male poecillid's sexually dimorphic body plan, behavior, and nervous system. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 50: 1081-90
Rosario-Ortiz L, Rivera-Pabon S, Torres-Vázquez I, et al. (2008) The western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis affinis): a new laboratory animal resource for the study of sexual dimorphism in neural circuits. Lab Animal. 37: 263-9
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