Logan James

2013- Biology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Logan James"
Mean distance: 16.39 (cluster 7)
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James LS, Wang AS, Bertolo M, et al. (2023) Learning to pause: Fidelity of and biases in the developmental acquisition of gaps in the communicative signals of a songbird. Developmental Science. e13382
James LS, Mori C, Wada K, et al. (2021) Phylogeny and mechanisms of shared hierarchical patterns in birdsong. Current Biology : Cb
Kalra S, Yawatkar V, James LS, et al. (2021) Introductory gestures before songbird vocal displays are shaped by learning and biological predispositions. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 288: 20202796
James LS, Davies R, Mori C, et al. (2020) Manipulations of sensory experiences during development reveal mechanisms underlying vocal learning biases in zebra finches. Developmental Neurobiology
James LS, Sun H, Wada K, et al. (2020) Statistical learning for vocal sequence acquisition in a songbird. Scientific Reports. 10: 2248
James LS, Fan R, Sakata JT. (2019) Behavioural responses to video and live presentations of females reveal a dissociation between performance and motivational aspects of birdsong. The Journal of Experimental Biology
James LS, Sakata JT. (2019) Developmental modulation and predictability of age-dependent vocal plasticity in adult zebra finches. Brain Research. 146336
James LS, Dai JB, Sakata JT. (2018) Ability to modulate birdsong across social contexts develops without imitative social learning. Biology Letters. 14
James LS, Sakata JT. (2017) Learning Biases Underlie "Universals" in Avian Vocal Sequencing. Current Biology : Cb. 27: 3676-3682.e4
Murphy K, James LS, Sakata JT, et al. (2017) Advantages of Comparative Studies in Songbirds to Understand the Neural Basis of Sensorimotor Integration. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00623.2016
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