Charles A. Hass

"Charles Hass"
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Bob G. Jacobs research assistant 2004-2005 Colorado College
Gregory D. Horwitz grad student 2006-2013 University of Washington
 (Chromatic detection from cone photoreceptors to individual V1 neurons to behavior in macaque monkeys.)
Lindsey L. Glickfeld post-doc Duke University Medical School
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Li JY, Hass CA, Matthews I, et al. (2021) Distinct recruitment of feedforward and recurrent pathways across higher-order areas of mouse visual cortex. Current Biology : Cb
Hass CA, Glickfeld LL. (2016) High fidelity optical excitation of cortico-cortical projections at physiological frequencies. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00456.2016
Hass CA, Angueyra JM, Lindbloom-Brown Z, et al. (2015) Chromatic detection from cone photoreceptors to V1 neurons to behavior in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Vision. 15: 1
Hass CA, Horwitz GD. (2013) V1 mechanisms underlying chromatic contrast detection. Journal of Neurophysiology. 109: 2483-94
Horwitz GD, Hass CA. (2012) Nonlinear analysis of macaque V1 color tuning reveals cardinal directions for cortical color processing. Nature Neuroscience. 15: 913-9
Hass CA, Horwitz GD. (2011) Effects of microsaccades on contrast detection and V1 responses in macaques. Journal of Vision. 11: 1-17
Hass C, Horwitz G. (2010) Chromatic Detection in Non-Human Primates: Neurophysiology and Comparison with Human Chromatic Sensitivity Journal of Vision. 10: 937-937
Anderson K, Bones B, Robinson B, et al. (2009) The morphology of supragranular pyramidal neurons in the human insular cortex: a quantitative Golgi study. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 19: 2131-44
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