Eva M. Epstein

2008 Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Eva Epstein"
Mean distance: 17.29 (cluster 14)


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Lauren B. Alloy grad student 2008 Temple University
 (Emotion reactivity and regulation in eating pathology.)
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Sloan DM, Marx BP, Epstein EM, et al. (2008) Expressive writing buffers against maladaptive rumination. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 8: 302-6
Sloan DM, Marx BP, Epstein EM, et al. (2007) Does altering the writing instructions influence outcome associated with written disclosure? Behavior Therapy. 38: 155-68
Sloan DM, Epstein EM. (2005) Respiratory sinus arrhythmia predicts written disclosure outcome. Psychophysiology. 42: 611-5
Sloan DM, Marx BP, Epstein EM. (2005) Further examination of the exposure model underlying the efficacy of written emotional disclosure. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73: 549-54
Epstein EM, Sloan DM, Marx BP. (2005) Getting to the heart of the matter: written disclosure, gender, and heart rate. Psychosomatic Medicine. 67: 413-9
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