Jeremy K. Yamashiro
Affiliations: | University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States |
Collective Memory, Social Aspects of Memory, Collective Future Thought, Conversational RememberingGoogle:
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Sign in to add mentorWilliam Hirst | grad student | 2010-2017 | New School for Social Research |
Henry L. Roediger, III | post-doc | 2017-2019 | Washington University |
James Wertsch | post-doc | 2017-2019 | Washington University (Anthropology Tree) |
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Putnam AL, Yamashiro JK, Tekin E, et al. (2024) Collective overclaiming is related to collective narcissism and numeracy. Memory & Cognition |
Sozer EE, Yamashiro JK, Hirst W. (2023) Simulating conversations: A Markov chain model of a central speaker's mnemonic influence over a group of communicating listeners. Memory & Cognition |
Yamashiro JK, Liu JH, Zhang RJ. (2022) Implicit intertemporal trajectories in cognitive representations of the self and nation. Memory & Cognition |
Yamashiro JK, Roediger HL. (2021) Biased collective memories and historical overclaiming: An availability heuristic account. Memory & Cognition. 49: 311-322 |
Merck C, Yamashiro JK, Hirst W. (2020) Remembering the big game: social identity and memory for media events. Memory (Hove, England). 1-20 |
Yamashiro JK, Hirst W. (2019) Convergence on collective memories: Central speakers and distributed remembering. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Yamashiro JK, Roediger HL. (2019) How we have fallen: implicit trajectories in collective temporal thought. Memory (Hove, England). 27: 1158-1166 |
Churchill L, Yamashiro JK, Roediger HL. (2019) Moralized memory: binding values predict inflated estimates of the group's historical influence. Memory (Hove, England). 27: 1099-1109 |
Hirst W, Yamashiro JK, Coman A. (2018) Collective Memory from a Psychological Perspective: (Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22, 438-451, 2018). Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
Hirst W, Yamashiro JK, Coman A. (2018) Collective Memory from a Psychological Perspective. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 22: 438-451 |