Matthew B Kennel

1989-1995 Physics University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Matthew Kennel"
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Buhl M, Kennel MB. (2007) Globally enumerating unstable periodic orbits for observed data using symbolic dynamics. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 17: 033102
Shlens J, Kennel MB, Abarbanel HD, et al. (2007) Estimating information rates with confidence intervals in neural spike trains. Neural Computation. 19: 1683-719
Buhl M, Kennel MB. (2005) Statistically relaxing to generating partitions for observed time-series data. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71: 046213
Kennel MB, Shlens J, Abarbanel HD, et al. (2005) Estimating entropy rates with Bayesian confidence intervals. Neural Computation. 17: 1531-76
Kennel MB, Buhl M. (2003) Estimating good discrete partitions from observed data: symbolic false nearest neighbors. Physical Review Letters. 91: 084102
Kennel MB, Mees AI. (2002) Context-tree modeling of observed symbolic dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66: 056209
Kennel MB, Abarbanel HD. (2002) False neighbors and false strands: a reliable minimum embedding dimension algorithm. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66: 026209
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