Karin S. Pilz
Affiliations: | School of Psychology | University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom |
visual perception, motion perception, ageing, face and object recognitionGoogle:
"Karin Pilz"Mean distance: 14.15 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorHeinrich H. Buelthoff | grad student | 2003-2007 | MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Ian M. Thornton | grad student | 2003-2007 | MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
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Kunchulia M, Kotaria N, Pilz K, et al. (2019) Associations between genetic variations and global motion perception. Experimental Brain Research |
Shaqiri A, Pilz KS, Cretenoud AF, et al. (2019) No evidence for a common factor underlying visual abilities in healthy older people. Developmental Psychology |
Billino J, Pilz KS. (2019) Motion perception as a model for perceptual aging. Journal of Vision. 19: 3 |
Pilz KS, Papadaki D. (2019) An advantage for horizontal motion direction discrimination. Vision Research. 158: 164-172 |
Agnew HC, Phillips LH, Pilz KS. (2018) Visual attention, biological motion perception, and healthy ageing. Psychological Research |
Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Grzeczkowski L, et al. (2018) Sex-related differences in vision are heterogeneous. Scientific Reports. 8: 7521 |
Miller L, Agnew HC, Pilz KS. (2017) Behavioural evidence for distinct mechanisms related to global and biological motion perception. Vision Research |
Agnew HC, Pilz KS. (2017) Temporal aspects of natural scene categorisation in healthy ageing. Vision Research. 140: 25-32 |
Biehl SC, Andersen M, Waiter GD, et al. (2017) Neural changes related to motion processing in healthy aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 57: 162-169 |
Pilz KS, Miller L, Agnew HC. (2017) Motion coherence and direction discrimination in healthy aging (vol 17, pg 1, 2017) Journal of Vision. 17: 31 |