Halina Offner

Neurology Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 
inflammation, brain injury
"Halina Offner"
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Kohs TCL, Fallon ME, Oseas EC, et al. (2023) Pharmacological targeting of coagulation factor XI attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Metabolic Brain Disease
Wiedrick J, Meza-Romero R, Gerstner G, et al. (2020) Sex differences in EAE reveal common and distinct cellular and molecular components. Cellular Immunology. 104242
Brown J, Kingsbury C, Lee JY, et al. (2020) Spleen participation in partial MHC class II construct neuroprotection in stroke. Cns Neuroscience & Therapeutics
Lee JY, Castelli V, Bonsack B, et al. (2019) A Novel Partial MHC Class II Construct, DRmQ, Inhibits Central and Peripheral Inflammatory Responses to Promote Neuroprotection in Experimental Stroke. Translational Stroke Research
Seifert HA, Gerstner G, Kent G, et al. (2019) Estrogen-induced compensatory mechanisms protect IL-10-deficient mice from developing EAE. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 16: 195
Seifert HA, Zhu W, Vandenbark AA, et al. (2019) Sex differences in the therapeutic effects of anti-PDL2 neutralizing antibody on stroke. Metabolic Brain Disease
Vandenbark AA, Meza-Romero R, Benedek G, et al. (2019) A novel neurotherapeutic for multiple sclerosis, ischemic injury, methamphetamine addiction, and traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 16: 14
Meza-Romero R, Benedek G, Gerstner G, et al. (2018) Increased CD74 binding and EAE treatment efficacy of a modified DRα1 molecular construct. Metabolic Brain Disease
Seifert HA, Offner H. (2018) The splenic response to stroke: from rodents to stroke subjects. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 15: 195
Seifert HA, Benedek G, Nguyen H, et al. (2018) Antibiotics protect against EAE by increasing regulatory and anti-inflammatory cells. Metabolic Brain Disease
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