L Donald Partridge

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
synaptic plasticity
"L Partridge"

(1945 - 2017)

Mean distance: 13.19 (cluster 11)
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Baca M, Allan AM, Partridge LD, et al. (2013) Gene-environment interactions affect long-term depression (LTD) through changes in dopamine receptor affinity in Snap25 deficient mice. Brain Research. 1532: 85-98
Jelinek DA, Partridge LD. (2012) GABA(A) receptor mediated inhibition contributes to corticostriatal frequency filtering. Neuroscience Letters. 530: 133-7
Scullin CS, Partridge LD. (2012) Modulation by pregnenolone sulfate of filtering properties in the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit. Hippocampus. 22: 2184-98
Scullin CS, Tafoya LC, Wilson MC, et al. (2012) Presynaptic residual calcium and synaptic facilitation at hippocampal synapses of mice with altered expression of SNAP-25. Brain Research. 1431: 1-12
Schiess AR, Scullin C, Partridge LD. (2010) Maturation of Schaffer collateral synapses generates a phenotype of unreliable basal evoked release and very reliable facilitated release. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 31: 1377-87
Scullin CS, Wilson MC, Partridge LD. (2010) Developmental changes in presynaptic Ca(2 +) clearance kinetics and synaptic plasticity in mouse Schaffer collateral terminals. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 31: 817-26
Scullin CS, Partridge LD. (2010) Contributions of SERCA pump and ryanodine-sensitive stores to presynaptic residual Ca2+. Cell Calcium. 47: 326-38
Tanner DC, Qiu S, Bolognani F, et al. (2008) Alterations in mossy fiber physiology and GAP-43 expression and function in transgenic mice overexpressing HuD. Hippocampus. 18: 814-23
Valenzuela CF, Partridge LD, Mameli M, et al. (2008) Modulation of glutamatergic transmission by sulfated steroids: role in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Brain Research Reviews. 57: 506-19
Schiess AR, Scullin CS, Partridge LD. (2006) Neurosteroid-induced enhancement of short-term facilitation involves a component downstream from presynaptic calcium in hippocampal slices. The Journal of Physiology. 576: 833-47
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