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Fay B. Horak

Parkinson Center of Oregon Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 
Human motor control, balance and gait disorders, Parkinson's disease mobility disorders, role of the basal ganglia, cerebellum and cortex in posture, role of proprioception, vision and vestibular systems in postural control, balance rehabilitation
"Fay Horak"
Mean distance: 14.99 (cluster 29)


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Clayton W Swanson research assistant 2013-2016 OHSU
Daniel Soren Peterson grad student OHSU
JoAnn Kluzik grad student 2003 OHSU
Jesse V. Jacobs grad student 2001-2006 OHSU
Carolin Curtze post-doc
Brett W. Fling post-doc 2012- OHSU
Tim W. Cacciatore post-doc 1999-2004 OHSU
Rajal G. Cohen post-doc 2008-2012 OHSU
Peter C. Fino post-doc 2016-2018 OHSU (Biomechanics Tree)
Sutton B. Richmond research scientist 2015-2016 OHSU
BETA: Related publications


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Silva-Batista C, Arpan I, Penteado Nucci M, et al. (2024) Alterations in functional connectivity of interoceptive and Cortico-Subcortical areas in Multiple Sclerosis-Related fatigue. Neuroscience
Silva-Batista C, de Almeida FO, Wilhelm JL, et al. (2024) Telerehabilitation by Videoconferencing for Balance and Gait in People with Parkinson's Disease: A Scoping Review. Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland). 9
Curtze C, Shah VV, Stefanko AM, et al. (2024) Stride width and postural stability in frontal gait disorders and Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology
Silva-Batista C, Wilhelm JL, Scanlan KT, et al. (2023) Balance telerehabilitation and wearable technology for people with Parkinson's disease (TelePD trial). Bmc Neurology. 23: 368
Barboza NM, Mancini M, Smaili SM, et al. (2023) Exploring mobility dysfunction in people with and without impaired cognition in Parkinson disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 115: 105836
Monaghan AS, Ragothaman A, Harker GR, et al. (2023) Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease: Implications for Dual-Task Walking. Journal of Parkinson's Disease
Mancini M, Hasegawa N, Peterson DS, et al. (2023) Digital measures of freezing of gait across the spectrum of normal, non-freezers, possible freezers and definite freezers. Journal of Neurology
Arpan I, Shah VV, McNames J, et al. (2022) Fall Prediction Based on Instrumented Measures of Gait and Turning in Daily Life in People with Multiple Sclerosis. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 22
Shah VV, Vitorio R, Hasegawa N, et al. (2022) Effects of a Cognitively Challenging Agility Boot Camp Program on Balance and Gait in People With Parkinson's Disease: Does Freezing of Gait Status Matter? Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 15459683221119757
Ragothaman A, Mancini M, Nutt JG, et al. (2022) Resting state functional networks predict different aspects of postural control in Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture. 97: 122-129
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