Jonathan Levitt

City College of New York, New York, NY, United States 
"Jonathan Levitt"
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J Anthony Movshon grad student 1984-1990 NYU
Jennifer S. Lund research scientist 1992-1998 UCL


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Charles Q. Wu collaborator 1992-1995 UCL
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Khalil R, Gonzalez C, Alsuwaidi S, et al. (2021) Developmental refinement of visual callosal inputs to ferret area 17. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Khalil R, Saint Louis MRJ, Alsuwaidi S, et al. (2020) Visual Corticocortical Inputs to Ferret Area 18. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 14: 581478
Khalil R, Saint Louis MRJ, Alsuwaidi S, et al. (2020) Visual Corticocortical Inputs to Ferret Area 18 Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 14
Khalil R, Contreras-Ramirez V, Levitt JB. (2018) Postnatal refinement of interareal feedforward projections in ferret visual cortex. Brain Structure & Function
Khalil R, Levitt JB. (2014) Developmental remodeling of corticocortical feedback circuits in ferret visual cortex. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 522: 3208-28
Khalil R, Levitt JB. (2013) Zinc histochemistry reveals circuit refinement and distinguishes visual areas in the developing ferret cerebral cortex. Brain Structure & Function. 218: 1293-306
Marmolejo N, Paez J, Levitt JB, et al. (2012) Early postnatal lesion of the medial dorsal nucleus leads to loss of dendrites and spines in adult prefrontal cortex. Developmental Neuroscience. 34: 463-76
Shushruth S, Ichida JM, Levitt JB, et al. (2009) Comparison of spatial summation properties of neurons in macaque V1 and V2. Journal of Neurophysiology. 102: 2069-83
Cantone G, Xiao J, Levitt JB. (2006) Retinotopic organization of ferret suprasylvian cortex. Visual Neuroscience. 23: 61-77
Cantone G, Xiao J, McFarlane N, et al. (2005) Feedback connections to ferret striate cortex: direct evidence for visuotopic convergence of feedback inputs. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 487: 312-31
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